Quite long time i din't update blog... Well, here is BKK trip part 02 so enjoy yourself reading my blog. Thanks (^.^)
07/Apr wake up @ 6:30 am cos me & my friend's want to walk around and take few photos.
After finished our breakfast we went to Pasar pagi (business hour 4:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.)
Morning I bought T-shirts (700 baht each) & army pant (160 baht) and I wait for few hour I went to a mall just beside the hotel. I saw alots of shop selling T-shirts, shoes, belts, bags and etc (interesting place) but one thing i did not buy is bag ar!!! cos i dont have enough time to shopping...!!! (_ _)

below pic is my favourite tee, before i went to BKK Penang have this tee but different design & expensive ... luckly i saw ths tee @ the mall.. it cheap & nice ...01 Front

02 Back
to be continue part 03 ...so sleepy... see ya!